The RJA&HS will be planting a copse at the Showground: ‘The Queen’s Coppice’ to commemorate the legacy of the Society’s late Patron, HM Queen Elizabeth II. Members have been invited to sponsor a tree and come to the Showground to help with the planting. The design and names of sponsors will be recorded in the main building and will be a lasting tribute to Her Majesty.
Members who sign up will be advised of the date for planting in due course – which will be weather dependant.
This is being held in the Main Hall at the Royal Jersey Showground and will be open to the public from 11am to 5pm both days. Gate Entry is £4 for Adults, £2 for Seniors and free for Members and Children.
The Show will host the usual displays of beautiful Daffodils, Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Cacti & Succulents, Camellias plus photographs, Flower Arranging, Cakes and wonderful displays so come up to the Showground with friends and family to see them. There will also be lots of different trade stands at the Show to browse around and buy from.
Tasty refreshments will be provided by Beresford Street Kitchen with seating in the Members Room.
There will be a plant sale at our Society Shop at the Show and if anyone has any plants to donate, the would be very grateful.
A FUN CARROT COMPETITION WORKSHOP will also be held at the society over the same weekend of 18 and 19 March, held by the Jersey Association of the National Vegetable Society. They will be located in the main entrance of the showground on both Saturday and Sunday between 11am to 5pm.
Entrants can come and collect pots of compost and carrot seed during those times, the cost for one container to follow. For first timers, they will be on hand to show you want to do.
The Fun Carrot Competition will be held at the RJA&HS Summer Flower & Produce Show on Saturday 19and Sunday 20 August.