Why should a self-build project have to come to a halt, just because of current difficult times?
If you have a project and are in the process of designing or completing a change to designs, come and join head architect and the UK chief executive officer of ‘Baufritz’, Oliver Rehm, for an online planning workshop.
Baufritz, a company that has taken on an increasing number of commissions in Jersey recently, hopes to replicate this very successful format for everyone stuck at home.
Should you express an interest click this link.
Oliver said: ‘Normally we run a dedicated planning session in the office in Cambridge where potential self- builders, normally those who already have a plot and a specific idea, are getting the first drawings and ideas of their new build. We have converted this into our online spring design sessions during the next two weeks. People can still sign up if they would like to self -build.’
Each of the design sessions is an interactive 2 hours personal consultation via video conference led by Oliver. In each meeting he will cover a range of topics and talk through the main steps involved in house building with Baufritz. He can even start to sketch out a first draft of your future home and give you an initial cost estimate, all free of charge.
The sessions run daily from Monday 6th April to Friday 17th April (excluding bank holidays and weekend) from 10 AM to 12 PM or alternatively from 2 PM to 4 PM.