By CCA Galleries International director, SASHA GIBB

THE creative industries are used to changing tack in a storm and the CCA Galleries International are no exception.
The gallery is known for its longstanding relationships with internationally renowned artists such as Sir Peter Blake and Bruce McLean, making them and their work accessible to a Jersey audience through the sale of limited edition prints, artist discussions and workshops.
Four years ago the gallery launched the Jersey Summer Exhibition, in response to a growing appetite for good quality, curated local work. The exhibition is modelled on the Summer Exhibition at the Royal Academy in London and works with a panel of Royal Academicians and respected international artists to select and curate a selling exhibition of local work in the St Helier gallery.
Having work professionally hung, lit and curated at CCA Galleries International has helped launch the careers of promising Jersey artists, as well as enforcing that of those already established.
This year’s selection panel were artists Paul Huxley RA and Dan Baldwin, Managing Director of Worton Hall Studios and CCA Gillian Duke, and myself, the gallery director.
Nearly 230 exhibits were submitted this year by 90 artists (up over 10% from the previous year) across painting, print, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, photography and film. Traditionally, the judges fly in to Jersey to view a shortlist in the gallery. With the world in lock down, the Jpg Judges emerged. The panel discussed the work over many hours of video conferencing and agreed on a final selection of 124 pieces for the show.
As well as making the final selection for the show, the panel also judge the Summer Prize. The winner of the Summer Prize is offered a solo show at the gallery. The prize is awarded to the artist that the judges agree exhibited the most accomplished piece of work. Last year’s winner was Lindsay Rutter for her pot Big Red.
The RURAL Jersey Landscape Award is taking place for the second year. All traditional Jersey landscapes selected for the Jersey Summer Exhibition are automatically entered. The panel of judges are CCA Galleries International, RURAL Magazine, the National Trust for Jersey and BCR Law. The award is sponsored by BCR Law and the National Trust for Jersey.
The Jersey Summer Exhibition will open on Friday 19 June as planned. However, there will also be an online catalogue and price list as well as a film of the exhibition and it’s curation by local film maker Gatis Valters. The gallery is pleased to be making the exhibition available online and the work available to an audience who, even under normal circumstances, may not have been able to visit the gallery.
I am very clear that as well as making art available online, for CCAI, maintaining longstanding and trusting relationships with the artists and clients we work with remains our priority. Professional curating, hanging and lighting is key to showing the work in the best possible environment and engaging with it fully.
We are all excited about the Jersey Summer Exhibition, finding new ways of working with artists and selling art. As always, it’s a pleasure to be working with so many adaptable and creative artists both on and off the Island. We’re not planning the usual party the night before, however, we will be celebrating and applaud the Jersey community for their resilience. It’s a times like this we need community and we need art.
Jersey Summer Exhibition dates Fri 19 June – Wed 29 July
Gallery opening times or t: 01534 739900 for updates