Rural – Jersey Country Life Magazine


From the Horticultural Secretary of the RJA&HS, Rachelle Robinson

Jersey in Autumn Time

Following the success of Jersey in Spring Time launched in March to help everyone during the difficult time of Covid-19 lockdown, it has been decided to do this again to celebrate Autumn Time in Jersey of all that is good in our Island, gardens, allotments and farms.  This is for everyone to get involved in – I would love for you to send your photographs and video footage to me by email on and here are some ideas:

Autumn Trees and Shrubs in our lanes and hedgerows

Flowers and plants in your garden, greenhouse or indoors

Your Allotment and what you are growing

Young people involved in growing at home, schools, nurseries and forest schools

Autumn Harvest including Fruit

Woodland areas

All aspects of Jersey Agriculture i.e. cows in fields, being milked and on the farm, vegetable planting and processing

Harvesting from the sea and Jersey beaches

Baking at home and school

Honesty Boxes’

Honorary Life Membership

The society reports that Graham De Gruchy has been given Honorary Life Membership this year for all his hard work over many years.  Graham and his late brother ,Wilfy, spent many hours organising and setting up the FJ Ahier Country Gardens and marking out the plots over 11 years ago.  Graham was the Horticultural Chairman for six years until 2019.

He will be presented with his Honorary Life Membership when it is safe for all the Members to get together  – which all hope will be soon.



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