Rural – Jersey Country Life Magazine


The Jersey Organic Association, after a two-year dormancy, is launching a campaign to attract new members.  

Its honorary treasurer, Helen Weston, writes:

‘Our last activity was a visit to Anneville Farm in the autumn of 2019 but there have been no events since then because Covid restrictions.  

‘The JOA committee has recently reconvened, meeting at the end of December 2021, to discuss the JOA’s situation and how it can move forward.  

‘The JOA’s membership at the end of 2019 stood at 36 people, many being members of long standing, although there have since been a couple of enquiries from potential new members.  Our committee is without a chairman, and the remaining officers are also of long standing and ready to step down.  The JOA is in a good position financially.    

‘The committee feels that the JOA still has a role to play in Jersey, as a non-commercial body with its own constitution, catering to farmers, gardeners and consumers.  We would like to be able to pass on the running of the Association to others who have the necessary energy and interest.  To help bring this about, we plan to make an effort this year to increase our membership.  

 ‘If there is enough interest, then we will hold a General Meeting to discuss the way forward and eventually to hand over, whilst offering support and with funds in the bank to get things going.  If no such continuation is possible, then we will proceed to close the Association in accordance with its constitution and rules.’

Further information about the Association may be found on the JOA’s website at and facebook group ‘Jersey Organic Association’.

To contact Helen Weston, e-mail



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