This is an annual prize for artists – in the broadest sense. RURAL magazine has teamed up with CCA Galleries International BCR Law and the National Trust for Jersey to sponsor to this prize for locally-based artists.
The prize of £600 is being offered by BCR Law for an artistic work that, in the opinion of the judges, best and most artistically evokes Jersey’s traditional rural landscape.
The National Trust for Jersey offers a free-of-cost weekend at the trust’s Catel Fort,
Grève de Lecq (worth £300 to non NTJ members, £250 to members).
A third prize is offered by BCR Law of £150.
These prizes are open to artists, based in and working in Jersey, or with a strong connection with the Island, whose works have been submitted to and accepted by CCA Galleries International for its Jersey Summer Exhibition. All visual art forms, including photography, film, architecture, painting, print, sculpture and design are eligible.
Work in the category covered by the ‘RURAL’ Landscape Award will be exhibited as an integral part of the CCA Gallery’s Jersey Summer Exhibition and will also be eligible for the exhibition’s Summer Prize, judged by the Exhibition selection panel. The RURAL exhibition will be judged separately by a different panel of judges.
It would be possible for the same work of art to take first place both in the Summer Prize
and in the RURAL Landscape Award. All selected artwork will be hung and exhibited at
CCA Galleries International.
RURAL magazine extends its thanks and appreciation to the sponsors, BCR Law, National Trust for Jersey and CCA Galleries International.
The judges will be issued with a list detailing the works of art that fall within the parameters of the RURAL prize exhibition and their location within the gallery. The score cards will then be collated and the highest scoring work of art announced at a special ‘RURAL magazine’ invitation evening at which the winning artwork and runners-up will be shown together.
The panel of judges will consist of:
Sasha Gibb, Director of CCA Galleries International;
David Benest, Managing Partner of BCR Law;
Donna Le Marrec, Marketing and Events Manager of the National Trust for Jersey;
Alasdair Crosby, Editor of RURAL – Jersey Country Life magazine
For terms of entry, please refer to the Gallery’s website: www.ccagalleriesinternational.com/exhibition/terms
or call 01534 739900 for further details.
Please note that the annoying little bug, Coronavirus, has caused uncertainty over whether this event will take place on its due date in early July or will have to be postponed to the autumn. We will keep you informed.
The Spring Flower Show of the Royal Jersey Agricultural and Horticultural Society,
due to take place this weekend (28/29 March) has also been cancelled.