Rural – Jersey Country Life Magazine


The Summer Flower and Cattle Show of the Royal Jersey Agricultural and Horticultural Society took place over the weekend of 11 and 12 June.

It has been generally considered to be a very successful event, with nine dairy farmers showing their cattle, which were of high quality and has proved the value of importing genetics from abroad. There was also an excellent range of flowers and produce on display.

Results are as follows:


Awarded by Judges

BEST IN SHOW 3rd BLYTHWOOD BOWL Re-presented in 2010 by Miss Gill SimonBest in ShowCarole Mourant 1 Pot Streptocarpus
RESERVE BEST IN SHOW  2nd Best in ShowKevin Roberts 1 Lettuce
A F A MATHEWS TROPHY Donated by the Society of Jersey GardenersBest Bowl of Hybrid Tea or Floribundas classes 95, 96, 102 & 103Graham Queree Bowl of Floribunda Roses
PARKER ROSARIAN’S TROPHYBest Box of 6 roses (hybrid tea or miniature) classes 97 & 113Richard & Louise Noel Box of 6 Miniature Roses
SWEET PEA CHALLENGE CUP 1972 Given by the late Mr. HE Le RuezBest Vase of Sweet Peas classes 121 – 133Steve Vibert 6 Varieties, 6 Vases
DIPLOMA FOR EXCELLENCE IN HORTICULTURE (Worshipful Company of Gardeners)Excellence in HorticultureGraham Queree Bowl of Floribunda Roses
WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF GARDENERS CERTIFICATE OF MERITMerit in Floral ArtCarole Mourant Arrangement of Flowers from your Garden or Allotment
RHS JUNIOR COMPETITORS  MERIT CERTIFICATEMerit in the Junior Flower ArrangingJoao Alves Small Arrangement in a Recycled Container
 ROSE SOCIETY UK BRONZE MEDALBest Exhibit in the Rose classes 45 – 47 & 87 – 117Richard & Louise Noel Box of 6 Miniature Roses
BRITISH FUCHSIA SOCIETY BLUE ROSETTEBest Fuchsia Exhibit classes 58 – 69Richard & Louise Noel 1 Normal Bush Fuchsia
PELARGONIUM & GERANIUM SOCIETY Gold CertificateBest Exhibit in the Pelargonium classes 11 – 32Carole Mourant 1 Angel Pelargonium
PELARGONIUM & GERANIUM SOCIETY Silver CertificateSecond-Best Exhibit in the Pelargonium classes 12 – 32Nicole Hamel 1 Zonal Double Pelargonium
BEST IN SECTION CUT FLOWERSBest in the Cut Flowers classesGraham Queree Bowl of Floribunda Roses
BEST IN SECTION POT PLANTSBest in the Pot Plants classes (excluding cacti & succulents)Carole Mourant 1 Pot Streptocarpus
BEST IN SECTION CACTI & SUCCULENTSBest in the Cacti & Succulent classesStephen Le Feuvre Group of Cacti
BEST IN SECTION FRUIT & VEGBest in the Fruit & Vegetable classesKevin Roberts 1 Lettuce
BEST IN SECTION CHILDREN’S FRUIT & VEGBest in the Children’s Fruit & Vegetable ClassesThomas Cohu Any Type of Fruit
BEST IN SECTION – FLORAL ARRANGING (PROF)Best in the Professional Floral Arranging classesNOT AWARDED
BEST IN SECTION – FLORAL ARRANGING (AMATEUR)Best in the Amateur Floral Arranging classesPhyllis Gouedart RHS Table Arrangement
BEST IN SECTION CHILDREN’S FLORAL & ARTBest in the Children’s Floral and Art classesPoppy Brady World Ocean Day Collage
BEST IN SECTION CAKES (SENIORS)Best in the Senior Cake classesIan & Beverley Le Marquand Any Other Type of Cake
BEST IN SECTION CAKES (JUNIORS)Best in the Junior Cake classesJessica Eder Chocolate Cake

Points prizes – calculated by Rachelle

PERPETUAL ROSE CUP Given by the late Miss H de la Taste in memory of her sisterMost points in the Rose classes 45 – 47 & 87 – 117Graham Queree 34 points
LAWRENCE GOGUELIN MEMORIAL TROPHY Donated by Mrs Joyce Goguelin & FamilyWinner of Class 55 Hanging Basket of Non-Flowering Ornamental FoliageNO ENTRIES
BRITISH FUCHSIA SOCIETY CRESTED SPOONMost points in the Fuchsia classes 58 – 69 & 134Richard & Louise Noel 32 points
SWEET PEA PERPETUAL TROPHY  Awarded to the Best Exhibit in class 121 for 6 vases, 6 varietiesSteve Vibert
NATIONAL SWEET PEA SOCIETY MEDAL  Awarded to the Best Exhibit in class 122 for 3 vases, 3 varietiesSteve Vibert
H.E. LE RUEZ MEMORIAL SWEET PEA CUP Donated by his brothers and sisters and their familiesMost points in the Sweet Pea classes 121 – 133  Tom Robinson 26 points
DE LA MARE PERPETUAL CHALLENGE CUPFirst Prize Winner in class 275 – Children’s Flower Arrangement 10-12 yearsMelissa Dean & Mandarin Class (Mont A L’Abbe School)
MOST FRAGRANT ROSEMost Votes in Class 120    Colin & Paulette De La Haye 75 votes (Special Anniversary)
BEST CHILDREN’S PINT SIZED PEASClass 1941st Ashleigh Eder 2nd Dylan Eder 3rd Eleanor Harris



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