This is being held on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 October at the Royal Jersey Showground, Trinity.
The Show will be open to the public from 10.30am to 5pm both days and is free for members and children 16 years & under with an entry fee of £5 for adults and £3 for seniors 60 years & over.
The Fair will feature:
Cattle Show – Saturday 1 October starting at 11am for the In Milk Classes and Sunday 2 October starting at 11am for the Youngstock Classes. The Schedule has already been sent out and entries close at 5pm on Wednesday 21 September.
Horticultural Fruit, Flower & Vegetable Show – over 500 classes, including Pot Plants, Cacti, Succulents & Carnivorous, Cut Flowers, Fruit, Vegetables, Preserves, Flower Arranging plus Cakesm including lots of classes for the children.
There is also the Heaviest & Longest Fruit & Vegetable competition with the weigh-in being held at 11am on Saturday 1 October in the Members Room.
Jersey Poultry & Ornithological Society – Sadly no poultry and caged birds will be attending due to the ongoing Avian Flu restrictions but they will be bringing rabbits and guinea pigs for all to enjoy.
Beresford Street Kitchen will be providing refreshments all weekend. Their website, to learn more about this worthwhile charity, is www.beresfordstreetkitchen.je
There will be lots of local Trade Stands in the Main Hall, New Arena and Members Room to buy early Christmas presents!
The Cake Auction will be held at 3.30pm on Sunday 2nd October and is in aid of Family Nursing & Home Care followed by the Children’s Prize Giving of trophies and medals at approximately 4.15pm – these will be presented by the Chief Officer of the States of Jersey Police.