THE house building industry is currently undergoing an evolution with the rapid growth of modern manufacturing methods. Pioneering eco house builder Baufritz, which has had an increasing order book in Jersey, is at the vanguard of this evolution.
Prefabricated manufactured houses are becoming more sophisticated, and architects are increasingly using this method to create innovative designs. The concept of prefabricated houses has moved a very long way from the cheap and functional prefabs of post-war Britain. Architects are cottoning on to the wide range of high-quality materials and design options available when using a controlled manufacturing process.
Baufritz houses are assembled at their huge Bavarian manufacturing plant, combining advanced computer-controlled machines and highly skilled master craftsmen. Materials are carefully selected to be both sustainable and durable. Larch and Spruce trees are ideally suited to timber framed housebuilding and have a proven track record, having been used for millennia in alpine buildings.
Baufritz has pioneered a design led approach, which combines their manufacturing knowledge with an excellent customer service wrapper to help you realise your housebuilding vision. Rather than creating pattern houses, Baufritz uses prefabrication to create individual custom designs.
As a first step you meet with Jersey team manager Robert Lumme, to discuss ideas and requirements for your new home. He will assign your project account manager to deliver clear, honest answers from start to finish of your building project .
Experienced house designers prepare drawings for you and submit a planning application for your new self-build home on your behalf. The building contract is signed based on the planning application, drawings and accompanying cost calculation. Now for the enjoyable part:
Baufritz’ architects and engineers will complete the design and calculations for the ground works, structure and building services of the house. You will be invited to come to their state-of-the-art design centre in Germany to set out your specifications. Here you´ll be inspired by their show homes and design centre and make choices regarding floors, windows, cladding, doors, roof tiles etc with advice from their expert designers. Because Baufritz are house manufacturers rather than builders, all combinations of elements have been designed to integrate perfectly. Although you can select what you desire, their specialists will guide you towards combinations which are known to work. By using a sophisticated quality control process and continuous improvement feedback loops, they are always improving their final product. The controlled environment of a manufacturing plant is better suited to these processes than a building site open to the elements. Your house is now ready for manufacturing.
The groundworks and preparation for your self-build home assembly will be performed by their building partners on-site. All large construction elements will be precisely prefabricated by the joiners and carpenters in their German factory. They deliver all elements to the building site where their specialised team will assemble your Baufritz house. Their teams of craftsmen will then complete the fit-out of your house. There are clear advantages to this process. Houses are erected in days, with a very sophisticated quality control process being implemented, resulting in a better engineered final product.
In the area of climate change mitigation, ecological considerations become important. Baufritz are able to deliver a range of possibilities for optimised energy use – photovoltaic, heat pumps, fuel cells, internal current storage or solar thermal systems. They have also created a number of houses which meet ‘Passive House’ standards for energy efficiency. They are pioneers in the creation of healthy buildings. Natural materials are our main raw materials. Taking them from sustainable sources saves vast amounts of climate damaging CO₂. Baufritz believes that a house should protect occupants from external influences that may adversely affect their wellbeing. Their work with building biologists and environmental specialists has ensured Baufritz houses provide the healthiest possible living environment, by focusing on only using natural building material.
Start your self-build journey and create a bespoke eco-house. You can be part of the Prefabrication evolution by partnering with Baufritz.
*Baufritz is the pioneer of healthy buildings. Natural sustainably sourced materials are the main raw materials. They say no to PU construction foams, chemical insulation materials, toxic adhesives and laminate flooring and yes to 100% tested building material. A huge benefit of their construction principle results in houses with a very low carbon footprint.
*Their vision is to build homes that combine an unrivalled level of comfort and luxury with an abundance of natural materials. Every Baufritz home is different as each one is individually created through collaboration with one of their in-house architects and interior designers.
*All houses are prefabricated at their state-of-the-art factory in Erkheim, Germany and then assembled on site.
*See their website:
Phone contact: 01223 235 632 or e-mail: