The Jersey Association for Youth and Friendship (JAYF) has announced its 2022 programme of Open Gardens. Much loved by locals and visitors alike, these events help to fund the safe and supportive hostel accommodation the charity provides for young adults in Jersey who might otherwise be homeless.
As the date of each garden approaches, JAYF’s Facebook page (www.facebook/jayfgardens/) will detail any special highlights: for example, musical entertainment, nature walks, plant stalls and tombolas. Delicious cream teas are a feature of all the open gardens in the ppgramme.
Sunday 3rd April
La Rue d’Elysee,
St Peter JE3 7DT

Visit this beautiful rambling garden, open by kind permission of Mrs Melissa Bonn. Highlights include an impressive collection of camellias and specimen shrubs and a large pond. The extensive woodland, featuring silver birch, acers and what is reputed to be Jersey’s largest walnut, is a delight to explore. A further highlight is the well-stocked kitchen garden which keeps the family self-sufficient in fruit and vegetables. Delicious cream teas available. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs.
Sunday 1st May
Government House,
St Saviour JE2 7GH

Approached by a long tree-lined drive, Government House has been the official residence of Jersey’s Lieutenant-Governors since 1822. The magnificent grounds include extensive lawns, rose beds and recently renovated herbaceous and shrub borders. A heavily wooded valley of natural and ornamental trees is a haven for wildlife. The beautiful pond, with its arum and water lilies, is home to trout, moorhens and ducks. Don’t miss the four cannons on the bluff which came from Elizabeth Castle. Delicious cream teas will be available. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs.
Sunday 15th May
Domaine des Vaux
Rue de Bas
St Lawrence JE3 1JG

Explore extensive gardens and woodland set around a traditional farmhouse, open by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Binney. The beautiful valley contains native and species trees including many magnolias and camellias, and there are ponds fringed with gunnera and arum lilies. The glorious main garden is a riot of colour and scent throughout the seasons, and the formal herb garden, productive greenhouse and vegetable garden are further highlights. Delicious cream teas available. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs.
Sunday 29th May
Old Farm
La Route de la Trinite
Trinity JE3 5JN

Open by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Clive Chaplin, this beautiful garden includes an arboretum containing many specimen trees, an orchard, a main lawn surrounded by herbaceous borders and a series of garden ‘rooms’. These include a rose garden and a fine rockery. Climbing roses adorn the granite walls and there are about 20 different varieties of camellia. The avenue of magnolia is a further highlight. Delicious cream teas will be served. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs.
Sunday 5th June
Grey Gables
La Rue Du Bocage
St Brelade JE3 8BP

Explore these extensive terraced and formal gardens, open by kind permission of the family of the late Celia Skinner. The beautifully manicured lawn is surrounded by beds flourishing with herbaceous perennials. Mature spring flowering shrubs flank the paths leading to the valley area, and beneath them bluebells, primroses and foxgloves abound. Hedges of yew, viburnum, conifers and beech create a series of gardens, including a rose and peony garden. Delicious Jersey cream teas will be served. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs.
Sunday 10th July
Les Chasses
La Rue des Chasses
St John JE3 4EE

Les Chasses is a beautiful old Jersey granite house surrounded by extensive grounds. The beautiful gardens have been specifically designed to attract birds, bugs and bees and include a run of fir trees spanning the road to provide safe passage for local squirrels. There is an emphasis on traditional, pesticide-free solutions to gardening problems. Admire the beautifully planted herbaceous and mixed borders which lead to a walled garden with wisteria and many beautiful trees, including a magnificent tulip tree. Open by kind permission of Mr Roberts. Delicious Jersey cream teas will be available. Admission £5; children under 12 free. Free parking. All proceeds to JAYF. Regret no dogs.