Rural – Jersey Country Life Magazine


Discovered in a cupboard after three years!

A small quantity of Christmas cards by Anna Le Moine Gray, the artist who for many years lived in Jersey but who is now living in an old farmhouse in the far west of Brittany. She described the designs:

Design 1: La Hougue Bie

‘I will never tire of drawing and painting La Hougue Bie. It is one of the most magical places in the Channel Islands. This gouache was for a public commission. It was one of several attempts to capture the spirit of the place. Here, the emphasis was on the softness of the light as I approached the small chapel at the top of the hill – Notre Dame de la Clarté (Our Lady of Light) – during the dark nights of Christmas time.’

Design 2: Ponies in the Snow

‘The two ponies of La Rue au Baill – I saw them often, walking from Meadow Vale towards Trinity and the lovely valley after La Rue au Bailli. One snowy day… they both trotted towards me and waited there. I was able to draw them and painted a small gouache when I returned to my studio.’

Both card designs come in packs of six: £2.50 per pack + post and packing, or free delivery within the Island for a minimum of 5 packs.

Contact or phone 01534 865334

When these limited stocks run out – they run out.



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