The Jersey International Centre of Advanced Studies is offering a one-week summer school in Island Ecology and Biodiversity as part of its Life Long Learning programme. The short course covers a range of topics, including island ecology, island biodiversity, invasive species on islands and island and climate change.
There will be four days of lectures and discussions with JICAS staff and senior research fellows and one of fieldwork with Jersey-based experts in ecology and environmental management.
This course is suitable for all levels.
This course is suitable for all levels. Price: £599 Channel Island residents / £799 international Dates: 6 – 10 July 2020, email info@jicas.ac.je to register or for additional information
Further details about JICAS can be found in the present issue of RURAL: No 30, spring 2020, pages 64-65. The virtual edition of the magazine can be viewed on this website by clicking here