An on-line talk: Gardening for bats and other wildlife, is taking place on 22 March, starting at 7.30 pm, hosted by the Jersey Bat Group.
The seemingly small changes that can be made to our green spaces and gardens, especially the way we manage them, can actually add real benefits for wildlife. This talk will look at key things to include and avoid in your garden to make the most of opportunities for a variety of wildlife, with a particular focus on the real stars of the night – bats!
The speaker, Lisa Worledge, is the Head of Conservation Services at the Bat Conservation Trust. She has an MSc in Biological Recording and holds Natural England licences for bat work. In her spare time, she volunteers with her local bat group, leading bat walks and giving talks. She became addicted to bats after attending her first bat walk with BrumBats back in 2008. Lisa also enjoys spending time in her own wildlife garden at home.
Free tickets (although donations are welcome).are available until 19 March on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/gardening-for-bats-and-other-wildlife-tickets-579265798597