Rural – Jersey Country Life Magazine


A SCHEME to help the fishing industry recover from the impact of COVID-19 has been approved.

The Fisheries Support Scheme will provide financial assistance in June and July to help the industry continue to pay fixed costs, and prepare for recovery, while the hospitality sector and export market are both closed.

The Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture, Senator Lyndon Farnham, said: ‘The fishing industry is an important part of Jersey’s economy, and it is in need of short-term assistance. Islanders are supporting by buying direct from fishermen, but the effect of Covid-19 on the hospitality sector – combined with the restricted access to the French market – is having a severe impact on this industry. This support is needed to ensure these Jersey businesses can weather this challenging period.’

The Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, approved the allocation of up to £233,400 in 2020 from the General Reserve for the Fisheries Support Scheme in June and July. Governance and conditions for the receipt of funds have been set, and businesses in the fishing industry are being contacted with instructions on how to apply.

Deputy Pinel said: ‘This support for the fishing industry, from the beginning of June, is in addition to the support that is being more widely offered to businesses. A review will be conducted before the end of July to determine whether further support will be needed after that month.’

The Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, said: ‘Jersey’s fishermen are having a tough time, not only because of the impact of Covid-19 but also because of the uncertainty created by Brexit, and this scheme is intended to provide some short-term relief to enable them to continue.’



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