Tractors of yesteryear set off on the Jersey Classic Vehicle Club’s first run of 2024 last month with 34 participants, aged between 16 and 86, exploring the lanes through St John, St Mary and St Peter.
The event was hosted by Trevor and Karen Barette of Home Farm, St John, where spectators viewed the modern tractors and equipment parked in the shed before heading north towards Crabbé, along the back lanes and the track known at Le Câtelat, and then down to Grève de Lecq.
Fortunately, the loud bangs around Crabbé were shots being fired from the range rather than heralding any mechanical problems although, later on in the run, one of the tractors needed towing as a result of some ‘dodgy fuel’!
From Grève de Lecq the tractors headed westwards joining a track off La Rue du Mont Capelle and then onwards to the back of Jersey Hospice’s St Ouen’s depot before going through the lanes of St Peter and parking at St Mary’s Le Mont Remon.
The next tractor run was due to meet at 9.30am for a 10.30am move off on Sunday 19th May at Winston and Maureen Le Brun home, which can be found along Ruelle De St Clair at the top of Mont Cochon, St Lawrence.