Rural – Jersey Country Life Magazine


The number of hedgehogs suffering strimmer injuries this summer has prompted the Jersey Hedgehog Preservation Group to urge everyone to ‘check before you chop’.

A spokesperson suggested using a booted foot, a gloved hand, a rake or a stick to check in long grass and under hedges for sleeping hedgehogs and other wildlife and then moving the creatures gently out of harm’s way before cutting, strimming or mowing.

‘The Group is concerned by the influx of injured and maimed hedgehogs being admitted to the Group’s headquarters in Waterworks Valley, particularly due to strimmer injuries. Sadly, the majority of these injured hogs have had to be put to sleep as their injuries are so severe.’

The spokesperson explained that unlike other mammals, hedgehogs do not run away when disturbed, but instead curl up in a ball which provides no defence against strimmers.

‘Remember, this is the time of year that our wildlife is rearing its young. Mother hedgehogs are nursing their hoglets, and if she is injured or the nest is disturbed the babies are unlikely to survive.’

The Group suggests not cutting banques down to bare earth as there is no requirement in law to do so. Guidelines advise a minimum cut height of 10cm for the July/August visite and to leave the top uncut as long as it does not overhang the road.

‘It is detrimental to be so severe as, in addition to killing and maiming wildlife, it also causes damage to walls, induces soil erosion and may destroy rare native plants. Do leave some vegetation around the base of trees and hedgerows and check carefully for hedgehog nests on the ground and birds’ nests in trees and hedgerows.’

If you find an injured hedgehog or baby on its own please telephone Jersey Hedgehog Preservation Group on 01534 734340 (between 8am and 8pm, seven days a week) or contact us via our website

For other injured wildlife or out of hours injured hedgehogs please contact the JSPCA on 01534 724331.



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