National Trust for Jersey appoints new lands manager

THE National Trust for Jersey has announced the appointment of Jon Parkes as its new Lands Manager.Educated at Les Quennevais and Hautlieu, Jon initially worked for Durrell’s Landscape Department before joining the National Trust in 2003 as a Countryside Ranger. During his time as a ranger he has gained a wealth of experience in conservation […]

‘An Island Home’ – exhibition of works by Sir Francis Cook

  AN exhibition highlighting a collection of works by the late artist, Sir Francis Cook, is taking place  from 27 January to 15 February at  CCA Galleries International, Royal Court Chambers, Hill Street. It is being titled ‘An Island Home’.  Many of the pictures on view are being shown to the public for the first […]

Soda bread

FOLLOWING the article about bread by Marie-Louise Backhurst titled ‘The Conquest of Bread’, which appeared in the Autumn issue of RURAL Jersey Country Life magazine, we received this letter from James McLaren, which we publish below: ‘I acquired some of the National Trust for Jersey’s flour a month or two back. I happened to be […]

Boxing Day Hunt

The Boxing Day Meet of the Jersey Drag Hunt took place at Vinchelez de Haut Manor, St Ouen. A bright blue sky, mulled wine and mince pies for all – a meet not just of the Hunt but of many friends and acquaintances who were there. A great start to the Second Day of Christmas.

Open Gardens in Jersey 2014

OPEN gardens in Jersey in 2014, to benefit the Jersey Association of Youth and Friendship charity, are as follows: Sunday April 13th Mrs E Bonn , Oaklands , La Rue d’Elysee, St Peter (cancelled earlier this year due to storm damage – beautiful camellias) Sunday April 27th Mr & Mrs M Binney , Domaine des […]

Winter in Jersey

Anna Le Moine Gray is the ‘artist in residence’ at RURAL magazine; her paintings are a marvellous evocation of the passing seasons in Jersey’s countryside and shoreline. She also writes in each issue on an artistic subject, in the French language that was once so much a part of Jersey, but which is decreasing, seemingly, with […]

Turkey Buster 2014 ‘Full of Eastern Promise’

Tuesday 1ST JANUARY, 12 NOON START ONCE again, Islanders are gently encouraged to shed the excess festive ounces by joining the socially mobile Turkey Buster Walk on New Year’s Day – January 01. This hugely popular annual event, organized by The National Trust for Jersey, first took to the Island’s coast and countryside in 2001 […]

The Jersey Gardening Club

By president and chairman, Jennifer Rendell IN 1982 Mike Bisson, who at the time worked at the Jersey Evening Post, had the idea to hold a meeting with a view of forming a group of like minded gardening enthusiasts. That meeting took place at the JEP on 24 February 1982, with over 400 people attending. […]

Farmers lend endangered birds a helping hand

9 December 2013 JERSEY farmers have teamed up with Birds On The Edge to give Jersey’s endangered birds a lifeline this winter in the form of seeds and cereals planted in conservation fields. Birds that used to be common in Jersey such as the Skylark, Stonechat and Cirl Bunting are declining rapidly, whilst others like […]

Countryside and rural grant schemes open for applications until 31 January

Applications for the Countryside Enhancement and Rural Initiative Schemes remain open until 31 January 2014. The States-funded grant schemes aim to enhance Jersey’s environment and promote diversification and efficiency in the agricultural and fishing industries. Since their introduction in 2006, these schemes have supported a wide range of projects which have benefited Island wildlife, the […]