The public consultation period for Jersey’s draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap, which outlines the steps to achieve net-zero by 2050, ends on Monday 31 January. Islanders are encouraged to submit their feedback before this cut-off date, so it can be considered ahead of the States Assembly debate in April.
The draft document shows how Jersey can reduce emissions to below 1.5°C, compared to pre-industrial levels – in line with the Paris Agreement on climate change. The draft plan includes around 30 new policies, from financial support for purchasing electric vehicles to stopping new oil, gas and coal boilers from 2026. It also includes several recommendations from the Citizens’ Assembly, a group of 45 randomly-selected Islanders.
Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, said: ‘The policies offer a series of incentives to encourage Islanders to make low carbon choices in the way we travel and heat our homes and businesses. There are additional proposals to phase out technologies that are based on fossil fuels, over the coming years.
‘I encourage Islanders to look at the detailed proposals being put forward, and to provide us with considered feedback during this consultation period. By necessity, the Roadmap and supporting documents are comprehensive and technical, so we are also publishing a summary version.’
You can read the full draft Carbon Neutral Roadmap and summary on the Government website. https://www.gov.je/Government/Consultations/Pages/CarbonRoadmap.aspx
Islanders can provide feedback on the online survey, or paper copies are available at Parish Halls and other well-used locations such as Jersey Library. Jersey stakeholders such as businesses, schools, charities, Parishes and organisations are invited to make a written submission detailing their ideas or concerns.