Sunday 9 July 2023 6pm Cantabile is looking forward to leading a Patronal Festival Choral Evensong of richly varied music in St Martin’s Parish Church, where the choir enjoys the privilege of rehearsing each week. The service marks two significant parish events: the second feast day of St Martin of Tours (celebrating the saint’s ordination and the removal of his remains to Tours Cathedral on 4 July) – and in our own time, the recent Induction of the new Rector, the Rev. Pete Stone. Chorally, the service includes music which spans more than 300 years. The earliest pieces are the Preces & Responses by William Byrd (1543-1623) a composer often described as the Shakespeare of Music; this year marks the 400th anniversary of his death – and an early 17th-century anthem O sing joyfully by Adrian Batten (c. 1591-1637). We then jump to the first thirty years of the 20th century for O thou the central orb (1915) by Charles Wood (1866-1926) and the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis in D (1927) of Herbert Brewer (1865-1928) (organist of Gloucester Cathedral for over thirty years). At the heart of the celebration we sing Psalm 84 (0 how amiable are thy dwellings) to a lovely chant by Hubert Parry (1848-1918). Last but not least, four well-known hymns are included for everyone to sing. The service will be preceded by a short recital of music by Flor Peters (1903-2007), B. Janácek (1920-2007) and Joy Webb (b.1932) (beginning at 5.45pm), given by the Rector’s wife, Anne Stone, playing the cornet, and the Director of Music of St. Luke’s Church and Cantabile’s accompanist for the service, Michael Wynne. The service concludes with the brilliant finale of the Second Organ Sonata of Alexandre Guilmant (1837-1911). Everyone is welcome – www.cantabile.org.je Forthcoming Dates Harvest Evensong St Peter La Rocque Sunday 24 September 6.00 pm Advent Carol Service St Lawrence Parish Church Sunday 3 December 6.00 pm Nine Lessons & Carols St Martin Parish Church Sunday 10 December 6.00 pm |