THE coronavirus lock-down continues to cut a swathe through Island life by affecting a range of events of all types.
The weigh-in for the Jersey potato growing completion is due to take place on 14 May – will it do so? The organisers are looking at ‘Zoom’ possibilities. Could the Island cattle shows be virtual? Possibilities are being discussed. Liberation Day anniversary celebrations are being drastically cut back. And the open garden series of the Jersey Association for Youth and Friendship… some of the gardens in June and July may go ahead, but presumably without the cream teas. It is very much ‘wait and see’.
For Marcus and Anne Binney at Domaine Les Vaux, St Lawrence, this year brings the disappointment of two events, one cancelled, the other (they hope) postponed: the cancellation of their open garden event on 3 May and the postponement of the Domaine Les Vaux Opera festival on 6,7 and 8 July. A new provisional date has been set for 17, 18 and 19 August, but they stress that these dates are only provisional. It all depends on coronavirus and its effects on gatherings by then.

With everything going ‘virtual’ – including, pro tem, RURAL magazine – we have provided a virtual open garden: Domaine Les Vaux in happier seasons.
What is the Jersey Association for Youth and Friendship? It was formed to provide homes for young people who, through no fault of their own, have nowhere to live. Each house has a resident caretaker and there is a trained counsellor who provides practical and emotional support. There is a co-operation and affiliation with other associations and organisations with similar objectives. The Association relies on its Appeals Committee and the low rental from the residents. It is also supported by donations and its fundraising is sponsored by the Aztec Group.

The Annual fundraising events are the Open Gardens, a Sponsored (horse) Ride and a Bridge Day.
Donations to this worthwhile cause may be made by contacting the hon treasurer, Mike Berry at La Brecque, La Verte Rue, St Mary JE3 3DA.
Do enjoy the virtual open garden – but unfortunately without a cream tea – not even a virtual one.