Judging for the RJA&HS All-Island Garden Competition takes place on Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th & Thursday 14th July.

Anyone can participate and with 22 classes to enter into, there is something for everyone, whether you have a large garden, small patio garden, allotment or community garden.
Horticultural Secretary at the RJA&HS, Rachelle Robinson, said: ‘We know many of you started gardening as a hobby during lockdown and we are looking forward to seeing new people entering. There is also a new Children’s class, where anyone under 16 can enter their homegrown vegetables, fruits and/or flowers so please encourage your children and grandchildren to enter.’
Ransoms Garden Centre are sponsoring the competition again this year and are providing vouchers for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in every class as well as a Ransoms Garden Centre discount voucher for every participant. There are lots of trophies to be won too.
Entry is free for Members with an entry fee of £5 for Non-Members. An Entry Form including the Rules is available from the RJA&HS office, the society’s website www.royaljersey.co.uk/garden-compertitions, or from Ransoms Garden Centre or their website.
Entries close on Monday 4t July and should be posted or emailed to Rachelle. For more information or to enter, please contact her by phone or e-mail:
Phone: 01534 860648
Mobile: 07797 919612
E-mail: rachelle@royaljersey.co.uk
These society events are taking place on the dates shown below:
Summer Flower & Produce Show – 20th & 21st August – The Show Schedule and more information will be available soon.
FJ Ahier Country Gardens – Anniversary & Competitions – 4th September
Autumn Fair – 1st & 2nd October