Éditions Emile publish regular photo-zines looking at specific subjects through the collections of the Société Jersiaise Photographic Archive. In this upcoming publication, they turn their attention to agriculture. The zine, ED.EM.05 Agriculture – looking back to go forward is made up of images by Société Jersiaise past president Maurice Richardson, who donated his archive to the Société upon his death in 2022. The collection provides an excellent insight into all aspects of rural and agricultural life in Jersey from the 1960s through to the 1990s.
Agriculture was a subject close to Maurice, himself a small-scale grower, and from a line of farmers stretching back over 400 years. The photographs show an industry in transition but also an awareness and desire to keep traditional practices alive. The photographs are particularly poignant considering how many farms have closed during the period Maurice was active and since. For India Hamilton, author of this issue’s article, the practices and the deep connection to the land evident in these images, can offer positions for us to begin to re-imagine Jersey’s agricultural future.
This issue will be launched during the Jersey Festival of Words on 21 September 14:00-15:00 at Jersey Library and will include a panel discussion on the past, present and future of agriculture in Jersey. Chaired by India Hamilton (Co-founder SCOOP and Jersey Food Systems Lab), who also wrote a text to accompany the images in the photozine. Deputy Kirsten Morel, (Minister for Economic Development, Tourism, Sport and Culture) will be introducing the panel discussion which will include James Godfrey (CEO Royal Jersey Agricultural & Horticultural Society), Aaron Le Couteur (Sheep Farmer and Conservation Grazier) and Kaspar Wimberley (Director and Co-founder SCOOP, The Sustainable Food Cooperative).
This is a free event and anyone interested in this subject is encouraged to attend. You can register a free place via Eventbrite. There will also be an opportunity to buy a copy of ED.EM.05 and past issues.