A small vineyard of half a vergée on a côtil near St Catherine’s has become available for anyone interested in the idea of paying a small rent and doing the branchage – in exchange for 150 bottles of wine (in a good year).
The present occupant, Ewen Hare, said: ‘It’s a hobby but still quite a commitment. The field belongs to Douglas Huelin and the vineyard was started by Ed Prouten, a former agricultural inspector, about 15 years ago. I took it on five years ago and have enjoyed it very much; however, unfortunate circumstances mean I can no longer carry on.
‘The vines are Regent and Rondo and a couple of rows of Pinot Noir. Someone with an agricultural background would be best suited, but enthusiasm and a few helping hands can get you a long way.’
Ewen would be on hand to give advice, and he is sure Ed would too. For further details and to contact Ewen, phone his mobile number: 07829 750590.