By Don Thompson, president of the Jersey Fishermen’s Association JERSEY’S fishing industry, already suffering the effects of prolonged winter gales, along with diminishing stock levels for some of the primary species, was the first sector in Jersey to feel the impact of the Covid-19 crisis. The Island’s shellfish export market, accounting for around 80% of […]

Farming In The Midst Of The Coronavirus Outbreak

By the president of the Royal Jersey Agricultural and Horticultural Society, Robert Perchard AGRICULTURE was quite rightly deemed as ‘essential’ in the Government of Jersey’s strategy to tackle coronavirus, playing a vital role in supplying the Island with much of its fresh food and dairy produce. Furthermore, the growing of crops and tending of livestock […]

Cancelled Garden And Postponed Opera

THE coronavirus lock-down continues to cut a swathe through Island life by affecting a range of events of all types. The weigh-in for the Jersey potato growing completion is due to take place on 14 May – will it do so? The organisers are looking at ‘Zoom’ possibilities. Could the Island cattle shows be virtual? […]